Er zijn 21 resultaten gevonden

door rdougan
13 okt 2015, 13:44
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Audio, navigatie en iDrive
Onderwerp: CCC repair near Amsterdam?
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 862

Re: CCC repair near Amsterdam?

I finally got around to contacting Thommy... unfortunately he said he cannot fix the CCC unit at all. Only can replace..
door rdougan
31 aug 2015, 16:41
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Audio, navigatie en iDrive
Onderwerp: CCC repair near Amsterdam?
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 862

Re: CCC repair near Amsterdam?

Thanks. I found that earlier but their website was not working, so couldn't find out any information...
door rdougan
31 aug 2015, 11:06
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Audio, navigatie en iDrive
Onderwerp: CCC repair near Amsterdam?
Reacties: 4
Weergaves: 862

CCC repair near Amsterdam?

Does anyone have a suggestion on who could fix a E60 CCC system near Amsterdam? From searching, it looks like the electronic board needs re-soldered as it is just restarting over and over again.

I have seen some services you can send it to, but I would prefer to try local.

door rdougan
03 feb 2015, 15:12
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Techniek
Onderwerp: Oil under intake
Reacties: 6
Weergaves: 549

Re: Oil under intake

Just finished replacing everything today. Cleaned the intake, Installed swirl flap blanks, all new gaskets and replaced a dodgy glow plug. The car didn't go up in flames when I started it, so hopefully everything is OK! :D
door rdougan
31 jan 2015, 18:17
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Techniek
Onderwerp: Oil under intake
Reacties: 6
Weergaves: 549

Oil under intake

Hey guys, I bought my 2005 535d last week. I was having temperature issues, so I replaced the main and EGR thermostats today and the temperature is fixed! Next I had to replace the 4th glow plug, so I removed the intake. Unfortunately, there is a lot of oil everywhere under the intake. Also, the ins...
door rdougan
29 jan 2015, 17:12
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

Tried swapping the bulbs today and the headlight still doesn't work. So now to figure out the root cause..
door rdougan
27 jan 2015, 19:05
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

I think Dension is still top of the list, because I have the option of using the AVR to display videos with it - and the reverse camera works with it as well. I got a new glow plug, both the main thermostat and EGR thermostat and a new cabin filter today. Hopefully clear up any faults. However, I fo...
door rdougan
27 jan 2015, 11:41
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

Degids schreef:You can also consider GROM audio module in stead of Dension. I think it's a bit cheaper and has better phone support (at least for Android, because that is non-existing on the Dension).
Aha, I've never seen that module before. It looks pretty good, and as you say, cheaper.
door rdougan
27 jan 2015, 00:02
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Audio, navigatie en iDrive
Onderwerp: van CCC naar CIC en wat er bij komt kijken?
Reacties: 286
Weergaves: 42135

Re: van CCC naar CIC en wat er bij komt kijken?

Voor zover ik nu kan beoordelen (moet alles nog functioneel krijgen) Equalizer (die zat volgens mij niet in de CCC) Breder HD scherm met volledig gevulde navigatie welke meer up to date is en volledig op een harde schijf staat. Navigatie met nachtstand (was voor mij een dikke plus) Harde schijf met...
door rdougan
26 jan 2015, 23:00
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

Got the car today. Love it! So quiet and smooth and a joy to drive. I don't appear to be having any torque convertor issues :) however the running temperature is a little low (65-75) so I think I need to replace the EGR thermostat. I had 2 fault codes, but I don't know the date so I need to check if...
door rdougan
24 jan 2015, 23:52
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

Bart70 schreef:I didn't look here but you can take a look, maybe there is something you like :)

Check out this subforum
Ah, I finally got the post count to view the forums! I will check it out, thanks!
door rdougan
24 jan 2015, 23:34
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

I've been looking for which wheels to get for the car. I don't like the ones that are on the car (style 122, I think). I still want to stick with BMW OEM. I really like the spiders (172) but they can be a little expensive. I'll have to keep an eye on Marktplaats to see if any comes up for sale.
door rdougan
24 jan 2015, 23:32
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

Degids schreef:I really hope your converter is fine. Getting a replacement converter installed (refurbished, not new) can easyily set you back 1000 to 1300 euros.
Ouch! haha. Lets hope not!!
door rdougan
24 jan 2015, 22:06
Forum: Stel jezelf voor
Onderwerp: Robert - Expat buying a E61
Reacties: 28
Weergaves: 1228

Re: Robert - Expat buying a E61

... Thanks! I've read about the secret menu and intend to check that when I get the car. Thankfully isn't too expensive to buy replacement thermostats, and easy to change. the roetfilter was changed not so long ago, so that is something. As for torque converter- I had not heard of that! I did not n...
door rdougan
24 jan 2015, 22:00
Forum: BMW 5 Serie (E60 / E61) Showroom
Onderwerp: BMW M5 interlagosblau
Reacties: 30
Weergaves: 4637

Re: BMW M5 interlagosblau

Beautiful car. Love the interior color. The blue really matches it well!

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